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Autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et dolore feugait.

Author Archive by Charles Clarke

MySQL upgrade to MySQL 8.0

We will be starting to upgrade MySQL on our servers to bring it into line with the current latest version of MySQL version 8.0

This phased installation will commence on Tuesday 19th march 2024 at 23:00 GMT.

Your MySQL databases may be unavailable for up to 60 minutes while the  upgrade takes place so your web-sites may show database connection errors during this time.

WordPress and other up-to-date software should be compatible with MySQL 8.0. We will try to maximize compatibility but if you run older software you may need to check with the software vendor.

If you have any queries about this upgrade please let us know.

SiteStop Support Team

Planned Maintenance – 8th September 2023 @ 22:00 BST

There is a planned scheduled maintenance due to take place on this date and will last for approximately four hours.

All accounts and services will be affected by this. E-mail  will be offline for up to 4 hours during the maintenance window, any  E-mail sent to domains on this system will queued and delivered once the  servers are back online.

Planned Maintenance – 11th August 2023 @ 22:00 BST

We are migrating some of our servers to a new data centre which will give us access to all the latest technology with full redundancy of critical infrastructure like power and cooling. As a user you shouldn’t notice anything changing, all IP addresses and settings will stay the same.

Email and websites may be down for upto 4 hours during the maintenance window. Any emails sent to any domains at this time will be queued and delivered once the servers are back online.

MySQL 5.6 to 5.7 upgrade

We will be starting to upgrade MySQL on our servers to bring it into line with the current latest version of MySQL version 5.7.

This phased installation will commence on Tuesday 9th February 2020 at 23:00 GMT.

Your MySQL databases may be unavailable for up to 15 minutes while the  upgrade takes place so your web-sites may show database connection  errors during this time.

Strict Mode will be disabled, this means that code which isn’t designed  for MySQL 5.7 should continue to work correctly so shouldn’t need to  make any changes.

If you have any queries about this upgrade please let us know.

SiteStop Support Team

Look no further for a Web Hosting provider – SiteStop is here!

The What?

Business from every walk of life needs an online presence these days. Whether this is via some social media platform, classified ads or a personal or company website. Operating in today’s “corona” climate more and more business are having to adapt and move to on online platforms where most business is now done.  Many retailers are reporting online sales growth of almost 300 percent over the past year.   Clearly e-commerce is changing the way people shop and businesses should be ready to adapt. One of the first steps businesses can take is to build a website, but that can get expensive in a hurry when it comes to hosting.

The Who?

That’s where SiteStop comes in.  We at SiteStop aim to provide fast web hosting for individual business owners as well as small- and medium-size enterprises. Providing you with the digital tools required to operate a successful online business, whether you’re a web guru or a complete newbie.

The Why?

SiteStop uses a custom control panel, giving you complete control of your hosting environment from an easy-to-use graphical dashboard. Our unique control panel also allows you to host and manage multiple domains from a single place.  You can manage all of your files through an FTP client and install many programs to your website with just a single-click.  SiteStop helps you manage, download, or restore backups; manage, create, or access unlimited email accounts; and manage databases and import SQL files with absolute ease. You can even view usage statistics and error logs to ensure your site is operating at peak efficiency at all times.

For existing users with static sites, migration to SiteStop is easy and we’ll provide a free SSL certificate for your peace of mind, and can provide unlimited bandwidth, email accounts, and website coverage!

The Where?

Running a business website?  SiteStop makes it easy. You can get a one-year subscription to SiteStop’s Web Hosting Plan for as little as £2 per month!  If your needs are more extensive, you can get an Unlimited package subscription for £9 per month. Visit us at

Hotmail/Outlook/Live email delivery issues

We are experiencing issues sending emails to Hotmail, and users. Email sent to these users are bounced back with an error message. We are working hard to resolve this issue and as a temporary solution please use Web-mail to send to affected recipients.

We shall keep you posted and hopefully get this resolved

SiteStop Support Team

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